Internal:How To Use The Wiki

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Revision as of 14:01, 18 January 2024 by Matt (talk | contribs) (Basic guide)
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For those who haven't used MediaWiki before (the software that powers this wiki), the editing process can seem a bit confusing.

The first item to note about this particular wiki is that you can only edit/create/delete pages when you're signed in, and user accounts can only be created by admins of the CyberTech team. If you're on the team and haven't gotten a login yet, please poke Matt.

Editing Pages

Once you're logged in, editing pages is fairly straight-forward. MediaWiki has a visual editor, similar to a boiled-down Google docs, available if you click the edit link on the top right(ish) of an existing page.

The "Edit Source" option lets you directly edit page content directly in MediaWiki's markdown-like formatting language. It can be a bit confusing, but there are reference guides for it, on the off-chance that you need to use it.

Creating Pages

There are two primary methods to create a new page. The first is simply to point your browser to the URL that you would like to create, for example:

Additionally, you can always use the "link" function in the visual editor, and enter a page title there, even if it doesn't yet exist.

Deleting Pages

Deleting a page is as simple as clicking the "delete" button which is hidden under "more" to the right of the edit buttons.

Note: if a page is protected, you may not have permission to delete it.